How To Sleep Better On Your Next Business Trip | PC Housing

Even when you’re ensconced in your own bed, getting a good night’s sleep consistently can be tough. Any business traveler knows that being on the road only compounds this issue. Luckily, a few lifestyle tweaks can serve as “sleep hacks,” allowing you to get the Zs that can be so elusive when you’re away from home. Try a few (or all!) of these changes for sleeping better on your next business trip.

Walk To Your Destination When Possible

While research asserts that exercising too soon before bed can make falling asleep a challenge, getting more exercise throughout the day improves overall sleep quality. Business trips aren’t a time to visit the gym, though, so you’ll have to find another way to weave in a workout. When it’s feasible, try to walk to your next restaurant or client meeting. A touch of exercise can make all the difference in the world when it comes time to put your head on the pillow.

Cut Down on Caffeine

The sleep-prohibitive chemical can affect sleepiness long after it’s consumed. In fact, caffeine can still have physiological effects up to 14 hours after it enters your system. While you don’t have to cut magical bean juice out of your routine completely (it’s a godsend for business travel), strive to not drink any after lunchtime. You’ll sleep better for it.

Dim the Lights

Blue light, produced by electronic sources (e.g. phone screens, televisions, and energy-efficient lights), is a huge detriment to sleep patterns. It suppresses the secretion of melatonin, the chemical in our brain that enables slumber. So, for that last hour before bedtime, dim the lights (especially harsh fluorescents) and avoid looking at bright screens. It’s a perfect time to check off some of the other things on this list.

Take a Hot Shower Before Bed

A nighttime shower is more than a great opportunity to relax and recount the day: the sudden rise and fall of your body temperature has a soporific effect. A drop in body heat slows metabolic processes like breathing and heart rate, the first step in falling asleep. Turn showering into a part of your nightly routine when on business trips. Don’t worry—you can shower again in the morning if the pillow doesn’t work wonders on your hair.

Don’t Drink Too Much

While booze can help with the initial passing out, it detracts from REM sleep throughout the night. That being said, while liquor and spirits are the main detriments to sleep, it’s also important to avoid drinking too much of any liquid before bed. Having a full bladder means more midnight bathroom trips, which means you’ll have to fall asleep all over again. Stay hydrated, but taper your intake as the day winds down.

Turn Down After-Hour Stimulation

Have you ever been tired enough to pass out standing up, only to lie down and have rampant thoughts keep you awake? This is often the result of too much stimulation before bed. Watching an intense TV show, writing an important email, or even reading too enthralling of a book can become a detriment to sleep when done too late. Fill your before-bed routine with relaxation; save stressful calendar and inbox checks for the daylight hours.

Try Melatonin, Tea, or Another Herbal Remedy

When all else fails, there are a number of remedies that assist with getting to bed. While over-the-counter drugs like Nyquil or Benadryl will certainly get the job done, they can leave you feeling groggy the next day. Something like chamomile tea or a hot chocolate is a nice way to wind down for bedtime. If sleep still proves to be stubborn, melatonin is a chemical that is naturally produced in the brain. Supplements containing it can be found without prescription in most drug-stores.


Next time you’re facing down a difficult night of sleep in a foreign city, try working these tips into your routine. If you really want to improve your business trip experience, consider skipping the hassle of a hotel and staying in a luxury vacation rental. Contact PC Housing today to learn more!