The holidays are fast approaching, and and we all know that airport security lines aren’t the only thing that expand during the winter travel season (hint: waistLINES! Get it?!). Of course, the old “putting on a few extra lb’s because of Thanksgiving” excuse just won’t cut it anymore with the wealth of user-friendly, mobile based nutrition and fitness app’s available. Read on fitness weary travelers, for these handy digital tools to keep you tight and toned when it’s time to hang out under the mistletoe.
Whether you’re in town for a business stay, short term rental, or taking an extended holiday vacation, the odds are that you will be eating the majority of your meals out and about. Yumee is a handy mobile app that is still in its early stages but we think it has great potential for business travelers. Essentially, it hopes to become the largest online nutrition guide available. The nutrition facts for restaurant menus by the dish, supermarket items, and almost anything else edible under the sun will be readily available. We think this could prove exceptionally handy in cities where having nutrition facts is not required by law or in order to research healthy dining options at a new restaurant before walking through the door.
Being constantly on the go is second nature for business travelers. Hotel staircases, long walks across airport terminals, and taking the average 10,000 steps a day all add up to something. But what? Fitbit is a handy, discreet tool for tracking your everyday movements in real-time. It breaks down your daily activities into simple categories that allow you to see just how active you were for the day compared to the previous. Subtlety is the name of the game. By keeping you aware of how you’re doing on a day to day basis, you are reminded just how lazy you’ve been (or not) while slowly working towards a goal.
Do you love video games? It’s ok to admit, however, if you find yourself spending more time bringing up your scores on Xbox rather than dropping your calorie count it might be time to get things backs in focus. Fitocracy is designed around the addictive qualities of modern day games. Earn points to unlock achievements and track your progress while you “level up” online and in real-life.
Do you have a trusty digital fitness tool that keeps up your motivation for burning calories from day to day? Let us know in the comments below!
Source: TrainerJosh, PerfectBodyRX