The Six Things You Have to Do in Miami
Miami is the hot-spot in Florida for so many reasons. There is so much going on at all times in Miami that it can be a little overwhelming, even for locals. But whether you’re a tourist, business traveler, or a Miami native there are just some things that you can’t [...]
Unique Things to Do in Chicago
Chicago is definitely one of the most unique, and most fun, cities in the country. This vibrant, urban, metropolis has all the big city living that New York has, but with a friendly midwest attitude. It’s hard not to fall in love with Chicago once you’ve spent any amount of [...]
Get Outta Town: Top San Diego Day Trips
From beaches to world-class zoos to fun-filled neighborhoods, there is no shortage of things to do in San Diego that will keep you entertained all year round. Although it’s hard to leave San Diego for any reason, there are some pretty spectacular destinations close enough to San Diego that will [...]
Ready, Set, Fly For Less: Find the Cheapest Airline Tickets
There is only one thing worse than paying too much for an expensive plane ticket. That’s realizing that the price for the same exact ticket has dropped after you’ve bought it. Airlines and flight websites have a huge set of tricks up their sleeve to make sure that you pay [...]
Why Corporate Housing Beats Hotels for Business Travel
Business travel can be a mixed bag. Yes it’s nice to get a break from the office and get out on the road (especially if you are travelling somewhere particularly nice like San Diego). But the thought of being away from friends and family, long meetings, and living in a [...]
Super Fun Outdoor Activities in Seattle
While most of America thinks that Seattle is cloudy, rainy, and generally miserable all year long, those who have been in summer know better. Yeah, Seattle does have its fair share of cloudy days, but Seattle also has some of the best summers in the country and is surrounded by [...]
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