Off-Campus Housing Option in Los Angeles
It’s that time of year again, when college students throughout LA flock to campuses and surrounding neighborhoods looking for a new home for the school year. Freshmen usually choose the dorms, and those further along in their college careers often stop returning home for the summers and have established homes [...]
Ways to Feel at Home in a New City
If you’re a first-year college student, you’re probably thrilled about leaving home and a little nervous too. Relocating to a brand-new town can be more than a little terrifying. You’ll be somewhere unfamiliar and away from your usual social circles. The adjustment can be tough. But if you follow these [...]
Short-Term Housing for Visiting Professors
If you’re a visiting professor, you probably love that your job takes you to new locales. You get to experience a new city without having to find other work. It really is a dream come true. But as with every dream you get, there are a few snags. And one [...]
Off-Campus Housing in Boston
Higher-level universities and colleges have long been the hallmark of the American educational system and none more so than in the Boston area. You don’t have to see Good Will Hunting to know that Boston is a breeding ground for prestigious universities. The northeastern gem that is home to the Red Sox has [...]
Ideal End of Summer Travel Destinations
Summer’s end is just a few short weeks away. And if you haven’t taken a vacation yet, there’s still time. These destinations are ideal to visit during the late summer—weather and expense-wise. From chowing down on some of the best fried chicken in the country to seeing breathtaking vistas in [...]
Flight Hacks: Faster, Smarter, Better Flights
As we continue to roll through the sizzling summertime months, one thing is for certain: ‘tis the season for traveling. Whether it’s a trip for a wedding, family reunion, tropical getaway or personal exploration, the summertime months are optimal for vacations. Let’s take a closer look at some insider tips [...]
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