

Why San Diego is the Ideal Destination for Short-Term Housing

February 11th, 2014|Categories: San Diego|

With its year-round sunny climate and picture-perfect tropical settings (palm trees and beaches with bright blue water included), San Diego is an ideal spot for long- and short-term travelers. It’s estimated that a whopping 115 events were held at the city’s Convention Center last year, with 74 conventions alone, and [...]

The 6 Items Every Corporate Traveler Should Pack

January 22nd, 2014|Categories: Travel Tips|

Image: Flickr Packing for Corporate Travel Are you an “early bird” packer, who starts packing for trips a week or more in advance?  Or are you a procrastinator packer, preferring to wait until the last minute, sometimes as late as a few hours prior to take off? Regardless of when [...]

Let PC Housing Help You Plan Your Vancouver Vacation

January 13th, 2014|Categories: International Travel|

Vancouver is a world class destination that is often overlooked by Americans in favor of more traditional European destinations or the exotic call of Latin America. Offering sumptuous dining, exciting cultural highlights, and year-round outdoor fitness adventures with the stunning backdrop of its natural landscape, Vancouver draws over 9 million [...]