Airline Travel App’s Take the Stress Out Of….You Guessed It, Travel!
According to Ascend Aviation's 2011 Corporate Travel Survey, "Greater efficiency in check in and pre-flight services" is the #1 element of air travel that has gotten better over the last two years. You may have noticed a change in the air (ha!) as well. What is it that's driving large airline [...]
San Diego Tops the Charts as One of the Techiest Cities in America Reports Travel and Leisure
The future is now for business travellers moving about the country in some of America’s Techiest Cities. It’s no secret that the savvy corporate traveller is generally on the forefront of utilizing new technology to optimize productivity and efficiency, and thus are among those most likely to take advantage of [...]
Car2Go Revolutionizes Urban Car Sharing and is Poised to Change Business Travel for the Better
Drivers have been noticing that there’s something different on the roads in San Diego these days. An auto revolution is taking place and we’re betting that it may soon start sweeping the nation. It's a safe assumption that eventually we’re all going to be driving electric cars, and Car2Go is [...]
The 2012 Superbowl, Corporate Housing, and Rock & Roll: Yep, Indianapolis Has it All!
The time is upon us. The biggest media event in America (other than the premier of American Idol, of course), the 2012 Superbowl is set to bring the NFL experience to Lucas Oil Stadium. On February 5, 2012, TV sets across the nation will be tuning in to see the [...]
Looking for Corporate Housing in San Diego? Hide Your Excitement From the Boss
FADE IN Int. OFFICE - DAY JOE/JANE CORPORATE is called into BIG BOSS'S office. With fingers crossed and an anxious fear that he/she might be getting set up to spend the next month scouring Craigslist for a new job, the hapless corporate crusader steps across the office threshold expecting the [...]
2012 Shaping Up to be a Big Year for Business Travel (and America too!)
Got to admit it's getting better, a little better all the time! Yes folks, with all the unfortunate news regarding cost cutting, down sizing, and belt tightening around the business world over the last few years its always nice to report on the positive. Last week, MSNBC published this article, [...]
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