

Presenting the “Worst Airports in the World” Awards

August 2nd, 2011|Categories: Uncategorized|

Let’s face it: all airports are pretty dismal. They’re not exactly designed to be easy on the eyes. If we had to pick any overarching design plan, we’d guess airports were designed to aggravate, infuriate, and empty traveler’s wallets. However, of all the terrible airports in the world, we’ve selected [...]

How to Go Green While On the Go

July 19th, 2011|Categories: Uncategorized|

Business travelers tend to be the environment’s worst nightmare. First, there's all the miles we travel – and, unfortunately for us frequent flyers, air travel knocks auto and train travel out of the park in terms of eco-unfriendliness. We head to our hotels, which are nothing more than a water-guzzling, [...]

Hard Trip? Treat Yourself with the 11 Best In-Flight Cocktails

July 12th, 2011|Categories: Travel Tips|

Image by alicetiara via Flickr We all know the feeling: you’re on your way home after an especially aggravating trip and you want—no, you need—a cocktail. Unfortunately, airplanes aren’t exactly staffed with well-trained bartenders. Until we see flight attendants tossing liquor bottles a la Tom Cruise in Cocktail, you’re going [...]