#TravelNeeds Contest: Tweet & Win 3 Nights in Vegas!
For most travelers, there are usually a couple items that are ABSOLUTELY necessary to be brought along for the trip. Sometimes it's a little something that makes the journey more convenient, or it's a gadget to help keep connected with home, and other times it's a necessity that will make [...]
Motion Sickness Remedies For The Business Traveler
Traveling with motion sickness can make your journey downright miserable and make you think twice before you get on another plane, train or boat. But if you are a business traveler, you may not have a choice. So, why not try one of these remedies the next time you are [...]
Airlines Staying Profitable By Charging You Excessive Baggage Fees
If you feel like you are paying a ton of fees when you fly, it’s not just your imagination playing tricks on you. According to the Boston Globe, a government report stated that $3.4 billion was collected by airlines in 2010 - for baggage fees alone! This was a 24% [...]
New “Sniffer” Technology Could Speed Up Airport Security Lines
The International Air Transport Association, (IATA), is looking into new technology that could drastically speed up your wait in the security line in the future. They are working on developing a high-tech screening system that filters passengers according to the risk they present and scans and “sniffs” them as they [...]
Business Travel Expected To Surge This Summer
According to data complied from a Travelclick survey, leisure travel will be about the same as it was in summer 2010, while business travel is expected to expand greatly this year. You may be surprised the find that the people waiting in lines at the airports this summer won’t be [...]
The Ultimate Road Warrior Travel Tips
Any seasoned business traveler knows that planning well for a trip results in budget savings, comfort, and optimal luxury. From picking the best seat on a flight to saving money on food expenses, one can have an incredible business trip with the knowledge of a seasoned business traveler. First, in [...]
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