

Time-Saving Tips For Business Travelers

May 20th, 2011|Categories: Corporate Housing, San Diego|

Though you can’t avoid being on the road for your job, you can drastically shorten the amount of time you’re travelling by following these simple time-saving tips. Keep these in mind the next time you are en-route to your corporate housing San Diego destination. 1. Always Keep a Bag Packed [...]

Business Travel Linked To Obesity

May 18th, 2011|Categories: Corporate Housing, San Diego|

According to a recent study by Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, frequent business travel is linked with obesity and poor health. According to the study, people who travel for business for two weeks or more per month have higher rates of obesity, a higher body mass index, and [...]

Tips for Job Relocation

May 13th, 2011|Categories: Corporate Housing, San Diego|

Being asked to move from your current home to a new residence because of your job can be a very difficult decision to make. Job relocation is never fun because you will need to find a new home, find new schools for your children, and have the finances for the [...]

Tips for Constant Business Travel

May 11th, 2011|Categories: Uncategorized|

Traveling for business can be very exhausting for some and very easy for others. No matter how many times you travel throughout the year for business, if you follow the tips outlined in this article then you should have no trouble at all dealing with constant travel for your company. [...]