

Holiday Business Travel Tips

December 3rd, 2010|Categories: Corporate Housing, San Diego|

Whether it’s “off to Grandmother’s house you go” or you’re spending Christmas in Paris this year, travelling over the holidays can be a real bust. This holiday season, we hope you’re able to depart your corporate housing San Diego home away from home and be with your family- even if [...]

3 Tips For Business Travelers During The Holiday Season

December 1st, 2010|Categories: Corporate Housing, San Diego|

The holiday season is officially in play; this can make business travel more than a bit uncomfortable. More travelers create more potential interferences. Following these tips can help make business travel less of a chore. Be ready to encounter security boarding procedures that, intrusive or otherwise, must be accepted. Wear slip-on shoes, avoid [...]

Smartphones For Business Travelers

November 29th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|

No matter where your business travel destination may be, staying in touch with your friends, family and co-workers around the globe is always important. The technology available today in smartphones makes staying in touch simple. You won’t even need to pack your laptop because most smartphones allow you to call, email, [...]

How To Get Through Airport Security Faster

November 22nd, 2010|Categories: Corporate Housing, San Diego|

When traveling to your corporate housing San Diego destination, you were perfectly prepared: well-rested, packed the night before, and gave yourself plenty of time to clear security. What you didn’t account for was the nightmare traveller in the security line just ahead of you. We've all been there before; stuck [...]